5 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Stretch Yourself in 2023!


In the realm of leadership and high performance, the concept of stretching extends beyond the physical realm of exercise. Just as stretching enhances our physical capabilities, stretching ourselves in business is essential for growth and innovation. While it might be tempting to remain within the comfort zone, true progress often emerges when we step beyond the familiar. Here are five transformative ways to extend yourself in 2023:

1. Embrace New Technology: In the rapidly evolving landscape of business, technology is the driving force of innovation. Staying technologically savvy is no longer a choice but a necessity. Regardless of age, everyone can harness the power of technology. If you’re not comfortable with it, take courses and immerse yourself in learning. There’s a vast array of tech tools and resources waiting to enhance your work. The key is identifying those that align with your goals and leveraging them effectively.

2. Be Open to Diverse Ideas: A willingness to embrace diverse ideas is a hallmark of visionary leaders. Don’t confine your thinking to what sounds familiar; open the door to ideas that challenge your assumptions. Encourage your team to share their perspectives on problem-solving, product development, and service improvement. By considering a range of viewpoints, you unlock the potential for groundbreaking solutions and untapped opportunities.

3. Consider Different Philosophies and Methodologies: In 2023, leadership entails exploring a wide spectrum of knowledge, values, and methodologies. Be open to diverse approaches that extend beyond your own worldview. Develop a discerning filter to incorporate ideas and practices that align with your vision and mission while discarding what doesn’t resonate.

4. Break Your Routines: Routines can be comforting, but they can also stifle creativity and growth. Challenge yourself to break free from the monotony of daily habits. Whether it’s altering your travel routes, rearranging your workspace, or experimenting with new meal ideas, embracing change sparks fresh perspectives and invigorates your routine.

5. Study Other Industries: While it’s common to research competitors within your industry, there’s immense value in exploring other industries. In 2023, seek inspiration beyond your comfort zone. Investigate strategies, ideas, and innovations from disparate fields that might be applicable to your own. This cross-pollination of ideas can lead to novel breakthroughs and a competitive edge.

As you embark on this journey of expansion and personal development, assess your progress with this checklist:

  • I generate a diverse range of options and craft innovative approaches.
  • I often envision new possibilities that others may overlook.
  • I employ broad boundaries for thinking, planning, performing, and evaluating my work.
  • I frequently view challenges and opportunities from different angles.
  • I possess the ability to discern subtle, non-obvious insights.

Today’s mantra: In 2023, I commit to stretching my mind, broadening my thinking, and diversifying my actions to achieve my goals. By embracing these practices, I will elevate my leadership, excel in high performance, and cultivate my personal growth journey.

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Biz Practitioner

Sheronde Glover is a speaker and strategist and the CEO of The Business Practitioner. Sheronde helps organizations, leaders, and teams re-energize with purpose, passion, and action using the ACE (Aim. Change. Excel) framework. Ready to ACE it? Contact us at 678-250-4192.



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