Protecting Your Brand

You’ve developed your concept and you’re excited about your new brand. Now that you’ve gotten the name and/or design just right, have you thought about protection? If you want to secure and protect your brand in the marketplace, registering your trademark is the next step. 

There are two basic routes you can take to do that:

1.  Hire an attorney

2.   Do it Yourself

Working with your legal team or a professional to handle the legalities of trademarking is certainly the preferred route, but you can take on the task yourself if needed. In the video below I show you how.

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Biz Practitioner

Sheronde Glover is a speaker and strategist and the CEO of The Business Practitioner. Sheronde helps organizations, leaders, and teams re-energize with purpose, passion, and action using the ACE (Aim. Change. Excel) framework. Ready to ACE it? Contact us at 678-250-4192.

