4 Things to Do “Right Now” to Move out of Overwhelm

Feeling Overwhelmed?

OverwhelmI want to give you a simple process for getting out of overwhelm. If you’re in business at some point you’ve struggled with too much to do. That’s a big challenge for all business owners. The truth is, you probably do have too much to do! And you may not have all the resources you need to get everything done. There is a way to decrease the stress and remove that overwhelming feeling. Here’s how:.

Step 1: Write Everything Down


The only way you can sort through all of the clutter in your head is to write everything down. And when I say write everything down, I mean everything. Too many business owners and CEO’s operate out of their head, which can be extremely difficult and a bit dangerous for your business growth.  If you’re working and have too many distractions externally or internally it can easily keep you from being productive. So I want you to take some time to write down everything that’s causing you to feel overwhelmed and see how much better you feel.

Writing things Down Helps You to Declutter Your Mind


Step 2: Prioritize What’s Most Important


Once you write everything down you can see what’s really important and what may just be taking up brain space. There are some things that you will need to do immediately and there are some things that can wait. Eliminate anything on your list that is not relevant.


Step 3: Break Down Your Priorities into Actionable Tasks

Everything is doable in small steps. Sometimes we get overwhelmed because every thing feels pressing and just too BIG. When you can see clearly on paper what needs to be down and what steps you need to take to make them happen, it’s pretty smooth sailing from there.


Step 4: Delegate

Now you have to ask yourself, who else could or should be doing this? You’re probably spending too much time doing things you shouldn’t be doing. I’ve seen CEO’s doing all sorts of things that are best suited for their staff or team. As the CEO your job is to guide the vision and direction of the business. If you’re a one man or one woman show, you will certainly wear many hats. But at the end of the day you need to spend the bulk of your time in the space that is most conducive to growth and everything else should be delegated or outsourced. If you’re uncomfortable handing over tasks, then the real problem may be with your leadership (I know, OUCH!).

In order to be more purposeful, productive and profitable in your business, you have to focus your energy by doing the things that really need to be done. Use this simple process and make it happen!


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Biz Practitioner

Sheronde Glover is a speaker and strategist and the CEO of The Business Practitioner. Sheronde helps organizations, leaders, and teams re-energize with purpose, passion, and action using the ACE (Aim. Change. Excel) framework. Ready to ACE it? Contact us at 678-250-4192.

