Have You Made the Shift?

The difference in success and failure can be as simple as making a shift.  Even small changes and modifications can make a significant difference in how well you do. When you consider your business there are a ton of things you can probably do to make it better, but there is one shift that will make or break you. This shift is absolutely the biggest, most significant factor that will impact your business.

What is it? It’s YOUR mindset  and YOUR way of thinking.

If you don’t decide that you can make a difference, you will make a difference and that you were born to make a difference, nothing you do will fully work. That’s because every ounce of momentum, action, and any steps forward (or backward) will be quickly sabotaged by a barrage of self doubt and unbelief.

There is nothing that can stop your efforts faster than a stream of negative thinking. It’s that mental barrier that keeps you from crossing the finish line. If you have the thought process that you can only go so far, you limit yourself. After a while, this thinking becomes a habit and your behaviors begin to line up.

Your Mindset makes the difference in everything you do.

We are often told by others what’s possible so we put on our “limited thinking” hat, which holds us back. The only way that stops is if we make the shift. Even if you’ve tried and failed (and failed and failed) you have to maintain the mindset of winning. Take what you’ve experienced, learn from it and keep moving forward. Don’t give up.

If you’ve ever asked, “What do I need to do to get different results?”  The first thing is to make the mental shift.

Decide that you will make it happen. Then go about making it happen. Forget about how long it’s taking. Make the Shift and Stay the Course.

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Biz Practitioner

Sheronde Glover is a speaker and strategist and the CEO of The Business Practitioner. Sheronde helps organizations, leaders, and teams re-energize with purpose, passion, and action using the ACE (Aim. Change. Excel) framework. Ready to ACE it? Contact us at 678-250-4192.

