How to Get Back into Focus

If you’re an entrepreneur, every day you are faced with a bevy of distractions. If you are a soloprenuer, it’s doubly distracting as you find yourself playing the roles of marketer, business developer, manager, accountant and the like. So how do you stay focused and on task?

Each and every one of us has had a time in our business and life when we just felt stuck. Sometimes we don’t recognize that we’re stuck because we’re so busy. It can be extremely difficult to get out of a rut if you don’t recognize you’re in one.  The key is to get really focused and to do that you have to take some very important steps.


Re-enforce your Purpose: You’ve  probably heard this a thousand times. Maybe you’re thinking my purpose is to make money, period. I hear you! But chasing the dollar can be a major distraction because it can lead you almost anywhere.  To really focus you have to have a cause and an overriding objective that’s so meaningful it keeps you up at night.


Realign Your Goals: We all have some goal we’re trying to achieve, but often our goals are ubiquitous. Your goal should be concrete and specific and it should be aligned with the bigger mission. Example: I want to train. Better: To speak and impact the lives of thousands of aspiring and existing business owners and entrepreneurs in a way that allows them to be more purposeful, productive and profitable.  When you strategically align your goal with the bigger mission and vision, you gain clarity on how to go about accomplishing your goals.


Regroup:  Have you ever felt really scattered (hand lifted)?  Most entrepreneurs are a bit on the ADD side, me included. That’s because we’re full of ambition and ideas and passion. We get excited. We aim and take action. Holding an entrepreneur back is like trying to keep a runner from busting out of the gates after the gun has been shot. You can’t contain us, but it’s important that we take some time to step back, reflect and regroup and get really specific about our plan of attack. Otherwise, we’ll find ourselves all over the place.

Are you ready to get back into focus?


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To Your Success,


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Biz Practitioner

Sheronde Glover is a speaker and strategist and the CEO of The Business Practitioner. Sheronde helps organizations, leaders, and teams re-energize with purpose, passion, and action using the ACE (Aim. Change. Excel) framework. Ready to ACE it? Contact us at 678-250-4192.

