Perfectionism Hinders Productivity

Have you ever found yourself saying words like, I’ll do that when _______________ (fill in the blank)?


This is our desire to move forward on something when we believe we’ll have everything “just right”. The problem is “just right” rarely comes, which then serves as our excuse for not getting things done. For example, I’ll start my business when I have all the money or I’ll go back to school when I have more time.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be perfect, but it significantly hinders our ability to progress and be productive. Perfectionism can be a serious drawback, especially for entrepreneurs because taking action is the key to success. Action moves you forward. Perfectionism keeps you in the same place.

You don’t get very far trying to have everything just right. Perfectionism causes frustration and overwhelm. Perfectionism is an illusion because there’s always room for improvement, which is a good thing because it helps us to grow and growth is the most important aspect of our personal and professional development.

Perfectionism doesn’t create great entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is a call ruled by passion, a much better alternative to perfectionism.  Passionate entrepreneurs get excited about their work. They put all their energy and enthusiasm into the things that they do. They’re guided by pure desire – to serve, help, give, and make things better.  Passionate entrepreneurs have a magnetic presence, attracting success towards them.

Perfectionism is a myth. Passion is magic.

3 Tips to Help You Move from Perfectionism to Passionate

  • Instead of trying to be perfect, just be yourself.  Authenticity is much more engaging.  Relationships and businesses are shared among people that like, know and trust each other.
  • Focus on your “why”. Why do you do what you do? Who do you feel compelled to serve? There are individuals and businesses that need you and they’re waiting for you to show up, just as you are.
  • Be willing to take that first step and put yourself out there, even with the flaws. It can be a scary proposition but you have to start somewhere. There will be those that will judge and criticize you, but that’s just a part of business and life.


To Your Success,


P.S. – Here’s a quick video I made about Perfectionism. Enjoy!

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Biz Practitioner

Sheronde Glover is a speaker and strategist and the CEO of The Business Practitioner. Sheronde helps organizations, leaders, and teams re-energize with purpose, passion, and action using the ACE (Aim. Change. Excel) framework. Ready to ACE it? Contact us at 678-250-4192.

