Creating Marketing Attraction

Have you looked around and thought to yourself, there’s a lot of noise out there, how will I ever get my company noticed? Everywhere you look there are ads and promotions. You may feel a bit overwhelmed by it all as you try to figure out the best strategy and approach to get yourself noticed. Beyond awareness you realize you need good solid leads and you’re struggling to figure out how to find the right prospects. What you need is something to attract the attention of individuals that are interested in your product and service.

Marketing Attractions

How do you know what makes a good marketing attraction? Simple. A good attraction is something that your prospects want and need —- information. Everyone knows something that someone else needs or wants to know. Putting that information/content in a format that can be made readily available to your audience is the key to developing a good attractions. Here are some popular ideas that tend to work well:

  •  A monthly newsletter with lots of valuable content
  • A teleseminar featuring an industry expert
  • A video series
  •  A white paper
  • A report with interesting facts and statistics
  • A downloadable ebook

You get the picture. People are constantly in search of information and the key is to take what you know, put it in a pretty package and watch how magnetic it can be. Now that you have some ideas of magnets let’s quickly discuss .

Distribution for Lead Generation

How you go about distributing your information is the key to good lead generation. If you have a really valuable newsletter that individuals want and are willing to sign up for then market that. You can release your white paper and write a press release and forward it to industry media sources. You can offer a free ebook or teleseminar and announce it via social media as well as your website. But don’t forget to . . .

Make it Easy to Obtain

The idea is to get individuals requesting your information so be considerate when it comes to opt-ins. Unless you’re really well-known and you have something of extreme value, don’t make individuals jump through too many hoops to get the info. I’ve run into forms that request practically your full bio to get the info. Most individuals won’t go through the trouble or if they do, the likelihood you will get erroneous information increases. Keep it simple in the beginning – get a name and email address and then request more info later. Making your magnet easy to get is one thing, but you definitely cannot neglect . . .

Sharing Valuable Content

There’s nothing more frustrating than to request a report only to find 5 or 6 pages of fluff. Likewise putting together a 45 minute video with 35 minutes of lead-up to 10 minutes of common information is definitely a turn off. Make the content worth requesting. Don’t stop at a great headline. Make sure the information you are offering is relevant and you deliver on what you promise.


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Biz Practitioner

Sheronde Glover is a speaker and strategist and the CEO of The Business Practitioner. Sheronde helps organizations, leaders, and teams re-energize with purpose, passion, and action using the ACE (Aim. Change. Excel) framework. Ready to ACE it? Contact us at 678-250-4192.

